Destination Audio WE 417A

Destination Audio WE 417A, no doubt, belongs to the high-end category (I don’t recognize top-high-end as a separate one). Choosing, among the ones I had a chance to listen to, between WE 417A, Kondo GE-10i, AudioTekne TEA 8695, Tenor Audio Phono 1, Doshi Audio Evolution Phono Preamplifier, Air Tight ATE-3011, Thöress Phono Enhancer, and a few others belonging to the same group of the „best of the best I know” would be based on personal preferences or maybe practical issues (preferred/required features). These are all incredibly refined, resolving, coherent, natural-sounding devices that turn listening to records into an almost spiritual experience. In my case, as my stereo system’s only job is to bring me the joy of experiencing music, WE 417A would be a very likely ultimate choice.
Hifi Knights
Vista 3 Way Horn Speakers

I love horns! I feel as if I have to repeat that because it might have influenced a bit my perception of Destination Audio NiKA even if I tried to be as objective, as it is ever possible with any audio component. Let’s be honest though, it is not very likely that a fan of vented, or closed-cabinet designs will switch to horns after reading this one, or any other review. It wouldn’t be reasonable or recommended. It is a specific type of speaker one has to experience in a good setup and only then decide whether this is what floats their boat or not. If you decide to give them a try Destination Audio NiKA are one of the best possible choices I know.
Hifi Knights

CAS8 Attendees’ comments on their experience in the Destination Audio exhibit were also of the lifetime revelatory category, on how the system conveyed emotions of performance and beauty of sound and not necessarily of the loudness war victor variety. In fact, they voted the Destination Audio room for the top honors in the categories of Ultimate Component, Best System Performance, as well as a second place in Best Industrial Design.
The utterly compression-free presentation of the Vista horn, in casting sound fields into the listening space, presented a directness of communication that drew even the most uninitiated spectator into its world. If music were a divine reflection of the human spirit, then the DA System would be the sentinel of the art form.

The fact was – I will express it once again – the best sound of the exhibition. And as a special taste and audiophile main course, musical material with a Polish choir a capella, giving a truly extraordinary authenticity and even disturbingly real mastery of overlapping voices. Accompanied by a sense that this is how it is – without the slightest unnecessary interruption, with realism alone.
The sense of the extraordinary and the best sound of the exhibition, however, was primarily due to the total coherence of the sound, angelic analogy (for a completely incomprehensible digital output), as well as natural expression, supported by the literal presence of artists in the room…In each instance immersion of an audiophile battle depth and at the same time, one of a kind, because no other loudspeakers I know of, including other horn speakers, immerses the listener so deeply in the sound. Usually there is some distance – music there, listener here – but with Destination total unity and full identification prevail.

“Best System Performance: Destination Audio”
“The Ultimate Component: Destination Audio Horns” Click Above for the Awards Page.